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Neff Officially Kicks Off Run for Black Hawk County Sheriff

Black Hawk County Sheriff candidate Nate Neff officially kicked off his campaign to run for office last night.  Captain Neff is currently the administrator at the Black Hawk County Jail and has been on the sheriff’s department for nearly 30 years.  Neff, a native of Monroe, Iowa, says it’s really an honor to have the opportunity to run for sheriff of Black Hawk County.

Neff says open communication with the public is very important.

Neff says if elected, he plans to continue many of the policies brought forth by current Sheriff Tony Thompson.

Thompson announced last year he would not be running for re-election this fall after 16 years as Sheriff.  The event was held at the Screaming Eagle in downtown Waterloo.

Scott Fenzloff

Scott has been with Coloff Media since 1995, and on the air in the Cedar Valley since 1989. You can catch Scott 6-10AM Mon-Fri on Cruisin KCFI, along with news updates at noon and 5PM.
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